Happy New Year! 2023 Here We Go!

A happy new year to you all. What a wild year it has been with a bursting to full wedding season and by season I mean last 18 months haha.

I’ve filmed so many incredible weddings since we got back to a version of normal it’s been incredibly hard to keep up with the blog here. If you’ve been following Pindrop on the socials you will have seen many of the years weddings from their teaser trailers.

Sadly, I’ve not had time to post even a fraction of them here but I’m aiming to change that now I have a small window of breathing space before the first wedding of the year whilst working away on the outstanding edits.

Best of all, I’m also going to be posting up some of the years FULL highlights videos to give you a real taste of these beautiful wedding days.

Very proud of where I am on the edits. I should be moving onto December’s weddings next week which considering we are still in January is a pretty big achievement especially after almost 40% more weddings than normal since May 2021.

Anyway enough of the waffle and I hope you enjoy the new vids above.

Best for 2023


jon robertson